Energy: use of biofuels for road transport  
2001/0265(COD) - 20/02/2003  
The committee adopted the report by Maria del Pilar AYUSO GONZÁLEZ (EPP-ED, E) amending the Council's common position under the 2nd reading of the codecision procedure. MEPs wanted to strengthen the Commission's monitoring role and therefore stipulated that Member States should be required to report to it on the measures they had adopted to achieve their targets. The committee also adopted an amendment aimed at making it clear that Member States whose national targets differed from the reference values must justify these differences on two grounds: (a) the limited national potential for production of biofuels from biomass; and (b) the amount of national resources allocated to the production of biomass for energy uses other than transport. Following on from this, the committee added that information on those two points should be provided as early as possible, i.e. in the first report by the Member States following the directive's entry into force. MEPs also wished to give greater weight to the clause providing for the directive to be revised after 2007. They therefore sought to ensure that the Commission would have to put forward mandatory targets if the failure to meet the indicative targets could be ascribed to reasons that were unjustified and/or did not relate to new scientific evidence. The Council's text had simply spoken of "possible" mandatory targets in such cases. �