Legal protection of databases  
1992/0393(COD) - 09/06/1993  
The JURI Committee adopted the report by Mr Garcia Amigo by eight votes to one, with one abstention, making significant amendments to the Commission's initial text in some areas. - the Committee extended the scope of application of the Directive to data stored and accessible via non-electronic means; - it introduced the notions of: * 'database author': 'the person who has taken the initiative and responsibility for the establishment of the database, and the choice or arrangement of the facts, works or other matters contained therein'; * 'database rightholder': 'the database author or the legal or natural person who has legitimately acquired the right to prevent unauthorised extraction from a database from the author'; - it replaced the notion of the 'right to prevent unfair extraction' by that of the 'right to prevent unauthorised extraction' for re-utilisation for commercial purposes; - it defined 'commercial purposes' as 'any use, whether private or collective, for the conduct of an economic activity or a transaction against remuneration' and 'non-commercial purposes' as 'any use a) private and not collective, or b) performed for teaching, research or humanitarian aid purposes, on a non-profit basis'. - it stated that protection by copyright is granted to all rightholders satisfying the conditions laid down in national legislation or in international conventions on copyright applicable to literary works. The inclusion of any work or matter in a database continued to be subject to the authorisation of the copyright holder. The inclusion of references or analytical summaries drawn up specially for this database did not require the authorisation of holders of copyright in respect of such works. - it set the right to prevent unauthorised extraction from the content of a database at 15 years (10 years in the Commission proposal).�