Trans-European transport network: electronic road toll systems, widespread introduction and interoperability  
2003/0081(COD) - 18/12/2003  
The European Parliament adopted a resolution based on the draft by Renate SOMMER (EPP-ED, D), making several amendments to the Commission's proposals. (Please see the summary of 25/11/03.) However, Parliament stipulated that the decisions relating to the definition of the European electronic toll service should be taken by the Commission at the latest by 1 January 2007. Such decisions should only be taken if all the conditions, evaluated on the basis of appropriate studies, are in place to enable interoperability to work from all points of view, including the technical, legal and commercial points of view. In addition, the system should allow an intermodal toll service to develop without creating disadvantages for more sustainable modes of transport. The date of transposition should be 30 June 2005, rather than 2004.�