Services in the internal market. Services Directive  
2004/0001(COD) - 25/11/2004  

Ministers discussed the draft Directive establishing a general legal framework for services in the internal market. The debate took place on the basis of a note prepared by the Presidency. The note focused on three main issues:

§         the country of origin principle;

§         administrative cooperation;

§         administrative simplification.

At the end of the debate the Presidency summarised the outcome of the discussion as follows:

- Ministers underlined the political and economic significance of the proposed Directive as a key element of the Lisbon agenda and of the realisation of the internal market in services;

- there was general agreement on the economic objectives of the proposed Directive which will enhance economic growth, as shown in a number of economic studies;

- the country of origin principle was discussed extensively. Member States supported this principle as an essential element of the proposed Directive. Some Member States expressed specific concerns although they could accept the country of origin principle as a starting point for discussions.