PURPOSE: to establish a “European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training”.
PROPOSED ACT: Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council.
BACKGROUND: several initiatives already exist in this area (e.g. Recommendation on further European cooperation in quality assurance in higher education which provides standards and guidelines for quality assurance and the Recommendation on the European Quality Charter for Mobility which introduced quality assurance concepts in developing and implementing actions in support of mobility).
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is an important element of the EU’s drive to become more competitive and socially cohesive. The creation of a knowledge-based society underpinning the Lisbon strategy needs to be based on investment in, and improvement of, the quality of human resources. Across the EU VET is organised at a national and regional level with different standards leading to different qualifications. This diversity means that there is huge scope for mutual learning and for an EU-wide reflection about future organisation. And it also means that Europe requires common points of reference to ensure transparency, consistency and portability between the many streams of development across Europe. All of this should happen without infringing the Member States' autonomy in the governance of VET systems.
In 2003 the EU adopted a “Common Quality Assurance Framework for VET” or CQAF. However, the quality criteria, indicative descriptors and indicators supporting implementation of the CQAF are insufficient and make the instrument difficult to generalise. Indeed, many EU Member States have underlined the need to strengthen the status of the CQAF.
The Framework forms part of a series of measures designed to support continuous improvement in the quality and governance of VET systems. These include the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF – see COD/2006/0163), the European Credit System for VET (ECVET- see COD/2008/0070), and the common European principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning.
CONTENT: the Framework should be a means of giving new impetus to the continuous improvement of quality management practices and, ultimately, of VET systems. The Framework fully respects the competence of the Member States. It seeks to stimulate:
Recommendations to the Member States:
Recommendations to the Commission:
Use of the Framework will be voluntary. Its main users will be public authorities and the bodies charged with quality assurance and improvement.
Annexes: the Framework comprises: a quality assurance and improvement cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation/assessment and review of VET, supported by common quality criteria (annex 1 to the proposal), indicative descriptors and indicators (annex 2 to the proposal). The set of indicators will be further developed through European cooperation on a bilateral and/or multilateral basis, building on European data and national registers.