The Council agreed to the general approach on a decision establishing a multi-annual Community programme on protecting children using the internet and other communication technologies (see Council doc. 9137/08). The first reading opinion of the European Parliament is still pending. The Commission made a statement clarifying that, whilst welcoming the general approach, it was not able to amend its proposal formally at this early stage of the procedure.
The proposed programme is a successor to the Safer Internet Plus programme - which expires at the end of this year - that seeks to fund EU level initiatives of real added value in the fight against illegal content and harmful conduct online. The new programme will build on and continue the work of the existing programme with small adjustments and updates to the various action lines. Compared to the Commission's proposal, the text approved by Ministers contains the provision that projects above EUR 500 000 will be assessed under the comitology procedure.
The draft programme is aimed at promoting safer use of the internet and other communication technologies, particularly for children, and fighting against illegal content and harmful conduct online. It will focus on practical help for the end-user, particularly children, parents, carers and educators, by encouraging multi-stakeholder partnerships. The programme will be implemented through four general action lines:
• ensuring public awareness;
• fighting against illegal content and tackling harmful conduct online;
• promoting a safer online environment;
• establishing a knowledge base.
The programme will cover a period of five years from 1 January 2009. Its budget is set at EUR 55 million.