The European Parliament adopted by 399 votes to 260 with 12 abstentions a resolution tabled by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on the draft Commission directive implementing and amending Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of televisions.
Parliament recalls that the original, successful A-G label on energy efficiency has been followed as a model in different countries around the world, such as Brazil, China, Argentina, Chile, Iran, Israel and South Africa. The draft Commission directive, in particular as regards the energy label design and energy efficiency classes, introduces another change by adding new A classes (A-20%, A-40%, A-60%, for example) which have the potential to confuse consumers further, to hamper their proper understanding of the energy labelling scheme and to undermine their ability to choose appliances with higher energy efficiency. Parliament recalls that evidence shows that consumers find the A-G scale clear, but the Commission has not conducted any impact assessment to show whether A-20%, A-40%, A-60% alongside empty lower classes is helpful or misleading for consumers. Members feel that the introduction of these additional efficiency classes on existing A-G labels, including for other products, is likely to add to confusion about whether class A represents an efficient or an inefficient product.
Accordingly, Parliament opposes the adoption of the draft Commission directive implementing and amending Council Directive 92/75/EEC with regard to energy labelling of televisions. It considers that the draft Commission directive is not compatible with the aim of the basic instrument. The resolution calls on the Commission to withdraw the draft directive and to submit a new one, based on a closed A-G scale, to comitology as soon as possible, and in any case no later than 30 September 2009. It considers the label layout an essential element of the energy labelling directive, which should be decided as part of the revision and recast currently being considered under the codecision procedure.