Europe for Citizens programme 2014-2020


PURPOSE: to establish the ‘Europe for Citizens’programme for the period 2014-2020.

NON-LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Regulation (EU) No 390/2014 establishing the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme for the period 2014-2020.

CONTENT: this Regulation establishes the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme for the period 1st January 2014-31 December 2020.

Scope of the programme: the programme has the overall aim of bringing the Union closer to citizens by pursuing the following general objectives:

·         to contribute to citizens' understanding of the Union, its history and diversity;

·         to foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.

Specific objectives of the Programme: the Programme shall have the following specific objectives which shall be implemented through actions at transnational level or with a European dimension:

·         to raise awareness of remembrance, the common history and values of the Union and the Union's aim, namely to promote peace, the values of the Union and the well-being of its peoples, by stimulating debate, reflection and the development of networks;

·         to encourage the democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developing citizens' understanding of the Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level.

Structure of the programme: the programme is made up of two strands:

1.      ‘European remembrance’;

2.      ‘Democratic engagement and civic participation’.

The two strands shall be complemented by horizontal actions for analysis, dissemination and use of project results (‘Valorisation’ action). A series of measures would be financed in this context outlined in the Regulation and its Annexe. To be financed, actions should include a European dimension.

Among other financed measures, the following actions are planned:

a)Mutual learning and cooperation activities such as:

·         citizens' meetings, town-twinning, networks of twinned towns;

·         projects implemented by transnational partnerships including different types of stakeholders; remembrance projects with a European dimension;

·         exchanges based, inter alia, on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and/or social media.

b) Structural support for organisations such as:

·         bodies pursuing an aim of general Union interest;

·         Europe for Citizens Contact Points.

c) Union level analytical activities such as studies focusing on issues relating to the objectives of the Programme.

d) Awareness raising and dissemination activities designed to use and further valorise the results of the supported initiatives and to highlight good practices, such as:

·         Union level events including conferences, commemorations and award ceremonies;

·         peer reviews, expert meetings and seminars.

Union measures: Union measures may take the form of grants or public procurement contracts. Union grants may be provided through operating grants or action grants.

Public procurement contracts shall cover the purchase of services, such as for organising events, studies and research, information and dissemination tools, monitoring and evaluation.

Participation in the programme: the programme shall be open to the participation of the Member States, acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates, and the EFTA countries party to the EEA Agreement, as well as relevant international organisations such as the Council of Europe or UNESCO, on the basis of joint contributions and in accordance with the Financial Regulation.

Stakeholders: the programme shall be open to all stakeholders promoting European citizenship and integration, in particular local and regional authorities and organisations, twinning committees, European public policy research organisations, civil society organisations (including survivors' associations), and cultural, youth, educational and research organisations.

Implementation: the Commission shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme on the basis of annual work programmes adopted by way of implementing acts (in accordance with the advisory procedure). These annual work programmes shall set out the objectives pursued, the expected results, the method of implementation and the total amount of the financing plan.

Coherence and complementarity: the programme will be implemented with coherence and complementarity with other relevant Union policies, especially in the fields of education, vocational training and youth, sport, culture and the audiovisual sector, fundamental rights and freedoms, social inclusion, gender equality, combating discrimination, research and innovation, information society, enlargement and the external action of the Union.

Financial envelope: in line with the multiannual financial framework for the period 2014-2020, the financial reference amount for the Programme is set at 185 468 000 EUR for the duration of the framework.

Preventive measures have been taken to protect the financial interests of the Union within the programme framework.

Communication, monitoring and evaluation: The Commission shall provide the Member States with information on the projects which have received the Union's funding.

In terms of monitoring and evaluation, it is provided that the Commission will ensure that the programme is subject to:

·         regular monitoring linked to its objectives by using performance indicators. If necessary, the indicator would be broken down by sex and age;

·         regular external and independent evaluation, with reporting to the European Parliament.

The Commission shall also present to the European Parliament and to the Council:

·         by 31 December 2017, an interim evaluation report on the results obtained and on the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the implementation of the Programme;

·         by 31 December 2018, a communication on the continuation of the Programme;

·         by 1 July 2023, an ex-post evaluation report.

Transitional provisions: transitional provisions are planned so that actions which began before 31 December 2013 pursuant to Decision No 1904/2006/EC shall continue to be governed, until their completion.

Annexe: the Regulation contains an Annexe detailing initiatives eligible for funding, the terms and conditions of management and monitoring of the programme as well as the audit and supervision of the projects implemented.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 17.04.2014. The Regulation shall apply from 01.01.2014.