Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft: amending Annex. 2015 Protocol


PURPOSE: to conclude, on behalf of the European Union, the Protocol (2015) amending the Annex to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft.

NON LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision (UE) 2017/446 on the conclusion on behalf of the European Union of the Protocol (2015) amending the Annex to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft

CONTENT: the Council approved the conclusion of the Protocol (2015) amending the Annex to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, on behalf of the EU.

To recall, the 1979 World Trade Organisation (WTO) plurilateral Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft was adopted as part of the Tokyo Round. It entered into force on 1 January 1980 and it now has 32 signatories.

This Agreement eliminates import duties on all aircraft, other than military aircraft, as well as on all other products covered by the Agreement, in particular civil aircraft engines and their parts and components, all components and sub-assemblies of civil aircraft, and flight simulators and their parts and components.

The amendments relate to the list of products accorded duty-free or duty-exempt treatment, set out in the Annex to the Agreement, transposing into the Annex the changes introduced in the 2007 version of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.