Deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure


The European Parliament adopted by 485 votes to 65, with 80 abstentions, amendments to the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, and repealing Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The matter was referred back to the committee responsible for interinstitutional negotiations.

The main amendments adopted in plenary concern the following points:

Mandatory recharging

The proposed Regulation sets out minimum national targets for the deployment of sufficient alternative fuels infrastructure in the Union, for road vehicles, vessels, trains and stationary aircraft. Member States should present their deployment plans for this infrastructure by 2024.

Targets for electric charging infrastructure for light-duty vehicles

Member States should ensure that:

- (i) publicly accessible charging stations: (i) are deployed on their territory and distributed in a balanced way to support multi-modal travel; (ii) deployed on public roads in residential areas where vehicles typically park for extended periods of time;

- a sufficient number of publicly accessible recharging stations are enabled for smart and bi-directional charging;

- necessary electricity grid connection and capacity is provided.

Member States should ensure the deployment of minimum power output targets of recharging infrastructure at national level that is sufficient for: (i) 3 % of the total projected light-duty vehicle fleet by 31 December 2027; (ii) 5 % of the total projected light-duty vehicle fleet by 31 December 2030.

According to the amended text, electric charging pools for cars would have to be deployed at least every 60 km along main EU roads by 2026. Following a reasoned request by a Member State, the Commission may grant an exemption from the maximum distance requirement for TEN-T roads with a total annual average daily traffic of less than 1500 light-duty vehicles, provided that the infrastructure cannot be justified in socioeconomic cost-benefit terms. Where such a derogation is granted, Member States may allow a higher maximum distance of up to 100km between recharging points.

In densely populated areas and regions with a lack of available off-street parking or high uptake in registered light duty electricity vehicles, Member States should ensure that the number of publicly accessible recharging stations is increased accordingly in order to provide the necessary infrastructure and support the market development.

The Commission should review the need to include requirements for charging infrastructure to serve electrically power assisted cycles and L-category vehicles such as powered electric cycles and e-mopeds, and in particular the opportunity to equip charging infrastructure with a household power socket that makes it possible for such vehicles to be easily charged, since they represent a mode of transport that can help further reduce CO2 emissions and air pollution.

Targets for electric recharging infrastructure dedicated to heavy-duty vehicles

For trucks and buses, the same requirements would apply by 2026, but only on core TEN-T networks with charging stations providing an output of at least 100 kW. Members also want charging stations for trucks in a safe and secure parking place to be deployed more quickly: two charging stations from 2028 (instead of one from 2031 as proposed by the Commission) and four charging stations by 31 December 2030.

In all cases, some deployment exemptions would apply to outermost regions, islands and roads with very little traffic.

Targets for hydrogen refuelling infrastructure of road vehicles

The amended text suggested setting up more hydrogen refuelling stations along main EU roads compared to the Commission proposal (every 100 km as opposed to every 150 km) and to do it faster (by 2028 as opposed to by 2031).

Infrastructure targets for railway lines

The text stressed the urgent need to continue the deployment of alternative fuel infrastructure in the railway sector to ensure the move away from fossil fuel trains. Where direct electrification of railway lines is not possible, Member States should ensure the provision of an appropriate number of charging stations for battery-powered trains, and hydrogen refuelling stations for rail.

Maritime transport

According to Members, Member States should ensure that an appropriate number of refuelling points for LNG, ammonia and hydrogen are put in place at TEN-T core maritime ports by 1 January 2025.

Simple recharging and maintenance

Parliament advocates the simplification and harmonisation of recharging stations. Users of alternative fuel vehicles should be able to pay easily, the price should be displayed per kWh or per kg, be affordable, comparable and accessible to all vehicle brands. Additionally, if possible, devices using an internet connection with which for instance a Quick Response code can be specifically generated and used for the payment transaction may be provided.

Operators of publicly accessible recharging points should ensure that the recharging stations operate correctly throughout their commercial lifetime. Regular maintenance and repair should be executed as soon as any malfunction is detected.

Signposting should also be deployed at an appropriate distance on the TEN-T road network leading up to parking and rest areas where such alternative fuels infrastructure is installed.

Members also called for an EU access point for alternative fuels data to be set up by 2027 to provide information on the availability, waiting times and prices at different stations.