Guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States


The Committee on Employment and Social Affairs adopted the report by Dragoş PÎSLARU (Renew, RO) on the proposal for a Council decision on guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States.

The committee responsible recommended the European Parliament to approve the Commission proposal.

Under the terms of the draft Council Decision, the guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States, which are set out in the annex to Council Decision (EU) 2022/2296, are maintained for 2023 and must be taken into account by the Member States in their employment policies and reform programmes.

The revised ‘Employment Guidelines’ are the following:

Guideline 5: Boosting the demand for labour.

Guideline 6: Enhancing labour supply and improving access to employment, lifelong acquisition of skills and competences.

Guideline 7: Enhancing the functioning of labour markets and the effectiveness of social dialogue.

Guideline 8: Promoting equal opportunities for all, fostering social inclusion and fighting poverty.