The Council adopted a series of conclusions on the first Annual Report of the European Crime Prevention Network (June-December 2001). It notes with satisfaction that the EUCPN has, already in the first year after being decided; established the necessary structures and procedures to be ale to fulfil its mission.
The Council supports the objectives, scope and priority subjects set out in the work programme, outlined in the annual report, and notes with satisfaction that concrete work to implement this programme has already begun. The achievements during 2001 include:
- the first steps to set up the EUCPN website for the dissemination of knowledge on crime and crime prevention in the EU Member States;
- the planning of a conference for the exchange of best practices to be held during 2002;
- pilot work on further developing comparable data on crime, criminal justice and victimisation in EU Member States;
- the first steps to establish cooperation with other EU bodies in the field.
The Council calls on the EUCPN to actively pursue its operational activities and to establish realistic and measurable priorities, objectives and criteria for that purpose, particularly in view of the evaluation of the EUPCN to be carried out in 2004. To that end an inventory of best practices should be carried out and, based on the inventory, priority areas should be selected and effectively implemented. The Council welcomes the intention of a future Danish Presidency to organise a conference in October 2002 to begin that work.�