Air pollution : national emission ceilings for pollutant gas (SO2, NOx, NH3, VOCs)

The committee adopted the recommendation for second reading (codecision procedure) by Riitta MYLLER (PES, FIN) amending the Council's common position. The committee was concerned that the national emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants proposed by the common position were not sufficiently ambitious and therefore retabled a number of amendments from first reading proposing stricter ceilings. It also reinstated a first reading amendment specifying that the deadline for meeting the final target figures for critical levels should be the year 2020, thereby supplementing the text of the proposal which did not contain a date to meet this goal. The committee also introduced a new article to clarify and reinforce the review mechanism, stipulating that the Directive should be reviewed before the end of 2004, when it could be amended. It also proposed to abolish the exemptions which the common position had allowed for emissions from maritime traffic and aircraft emissions beyond the landing and take-off cycle, arguing that the sea and air transport sectors were large emitters of SO2 and NOx and should not be given an exemption. Lastly, the committee called for the Commission to put forward specific proposals before the end of 2001 for EU-wide economic instruments to complement the legislative measures. �