Dangerous substances and preparations: short chain chlorinated paraffins SCCP (20th amend. Directive 76/769/EEC)

The committee adopted the report by Giuseppe NISTICO (EPP-ED, I) approving the proposal under the codecision procedure (1st reading) subject to a few amendments. The committee felt that the directive would help ensure a high level of protection for the environment. However, it pointed out that the ban on the use of SCCPs should be extended to cover all applications which were due to have been phased out by 31 December 1999 under the 1995 PARCOM decision. It accordingly amended the Annex to include among the list of banned substances SCCP used as plasticisers in paints or coatings and those used as flame retardants in rubber, plastics or textiles, unless the non-availability of alternatives would lead to a deterioration of the safety of the product. It also wanted the Commission to review the additional uses of SCCP referred to in the OSPAR Commission and to report to Parliament on the outcome of that review.�