OBJECTIVE: conclusion of an agreement on cooperation in the sea fisheries sector between the
European Community and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
COMMUNITY MEASURE: Council Regulation 408/97/EC on the conclusion of an Agreement on
cooperation in the sea fisheries sector between the European Community and the Islamic Republic
of Mauritania and laying down provisions for its implementation.
SUBSTANCE: the agreement, concluded for a five year period from 1 August 1996, governs
relations in the sea fisheries sector between the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and the Community.
The agreement provides the basis for cooperation between the two parties with regard to the
conservation of fishery resources and their utilization. This cooperation which can be undertaken
bilaterally or within the framework of international organizations covers scientific, technical,
economic, commercial and industrial aspects. The agreement also sets out several schemes seeking
the sustainable development of the Mauritanian fisheries sector and support for measures undertaken
with regard to maritime training. To this end the Community is providing financial support
calculated in the joint protocol to the agreement at ECU 1.05 million.
The text also opens up the possibilities for fishing to Community fleets in Mauritanian waters and
specifies the conditions for so doing (requirement of a licence, payment of a fee, communication of
catch data, shipping of Mauritanian sailors, acceptance of technical visits).
In return for these fishing possibilities Mauritania receives degressive financial compensation
equivalent over the term of the agreement to ECU 266.8 million, or an annual payment of between
ECU 51 and 55 million.
The countries benefiting from the fishing possibilities under this agreement are Spain, Italy, Portugal
and France according to an allocation set out in the annex to the agreement. For cephalopods the
annual allocation of fishing possibilities between the Member States, valid with effect from 1 August
1997, will be decided by 30 June each year at the latest.
If for one fishing category the applications for licences by a Member State are lower than the
tonnage allocated to it, the Commission can open up the possibility for other Member States to apply
for licences on a pro rata basis for the remaining licences.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: the regulation entered into force on 11 March 1997, the agreement and its
protocol entering into force when all the notifications needed to this effect have been made by each
of the parties.