The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Agnes Schierhuber (EPP/ED, Austria) adding compromise amendments which replace some of its amendments adopted on 16/05/00. The main changes are as follows:
-the aid shall be granted in certain cases where there is no sales contract
-the amounts payable for long flax fibre have been changed for each marketing year
-the quantities of fibre eligible for aid are restricted on the basis of the areas for which there is a contract, where the producer and primary processor are one and the same person or where the farmer retains ownership of the straw and contracts processing out to service providers and proves that the processed fibre has been marketed.
-the level of permitted impurities for short flax and hemp fibre is raised to 7.5%. National guaranteed quantities will not apply from 2006/2007 marketing year. Member States may exchange with each other part of the national guaranteed quantities.
-In 2003, the Commission must submit a progress report on production trends. In 2005, the Commission must submit a report on processing aid. The contents of the report are specified.
-In 2002, the Commission must submit a report on the impact of these reforms on producer income.�