The European Parliament, in its first reading, adopted a resolution (Per-Arne ARVIDSSON, EPP/ED, Sweden) on phthalates and toy safety. The main amendments to the Commission's proposal were as follows:
- in the case of toys that contain phthalates and are intended for children between the ages of three and six, but which younger children could place in their mouths, warnings must be placed on the packaging and on the toy itself.
-the prohibition applies to all phthalates and not the six in the Commission's proposal.
-the ban is extended to all toys, not just toys intended for children under three, and not only toys that are designed to be placed in the mouth. Toys which can be placed in the mouth by children may have concentrations no greater than 0.5%, rather than 1% envisaged by the original proposal.
-fragrances may not be added to toys containing phthalates which a child can place in its mouth.�