Compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights

The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by Giorgio LISI (EPP-ED, Italy) on compensation to air passengers. (Please refer to the document dated 10/09/02.) Parliament also made the following amendments: -if no time is indicated by air carrier, travel agent or tour operator, passengers must arrive no later than sixty minutes before the published departure time; -with regard to re-routing, there is no right to compensation for distances over 1000 kms, if the arrival time of the alternative flight does not exceed the scheduled arrival time by more than one hour; -assistance may not apply in situations involving political unrest or long strikes in essential services or other circumstances beyond the air carriers control. Moreover, assistance should only be provided where local conditions allow for it to delivered and under the condition that doing so would not further delay departure; -Member States should ensure that any claim for compensation under the principle that the agency responsible should pay can be made against any third party, i.e. even State or another authority with sovereign powers or by the undertakings designated in the Regulation.�