Information and promotion actions for agricultural products in third countries

PURPOSE : to develop an overall policy towards information and promotion of certain agricultural products on the markets of third countries. COMMUNITY MEASURE : Council Regulation 2702/1999/EC on measures to provide information on, and to promote, agricultural products in third countries. CONTENT : This regulation aims to supplement and strengthen measures undertaken by Member States, especially by promoting the image of Community products on international markets as regards food quality and safety in particular, this activity, by helping to open up new markets, is also likely to have a multiplier effect on national and private initiatives. In addition, this regulation will support the adaptation of the European agri-food sector to decreasing export refunds through greater competitiveness, placing an increased accent on the quality and safety of its products. Measures envisaged include promotion or publicity measures, participation of events, fairs or exhibitions of international importance, information campaigns, studies on new markets and high level trade visits. In addition, the products that shall be eligible for the measures are products intended for direct consumption or processing and typical or quality products displaying high added value. Moreover, the target markets are those where there is an actual or potential demand (Japan, Latin America, etc.). On a practical level, the Commission will draw up every 2 years a list of the products and target markets. However, this list may be amended in the interim, if necessary. Furthermore, measures which promote must not give preference to trade marks or products coming from Member States in particular. With the exception of certain special cases (information on the Community system on quality and labelling, visits and studies), which will be financed by the Community in full, the other measures will be financed in part by the Community which will not exceed 50% of the total cost. Member States concerned shall contribute by covering 20% of their real costs, the remaining balance to be borne by the proposer organisations. The share paid by the Member States and/or by the trade or inter-trade organisations may also be funded out of quasi-tax revenue. However, in the case of promotions lasting at least 2 years, the contribution shall be degressive, falling from 60% to 40% of the real cost of the measures. Before taking a decision, the Commission may consult the Standing Group on the Promotion of Agricultural Products. The body or bodies responsible for implementing the measures shall have specialised knowledge of the products concerned and the target markets have the resources to ensure that the measures are implemented as effectively as possible, taking account of the European dimension of these programmes. In view of the experience gained and the results achieved by the International Olive Oil Council in its promotional activities, provision should, however, be made to continue delegating to it measures falling within the sphere of responsibility ; it should also be possible to seek assistance of similar international organisations for other products. In conclusion, before 31.12.2003, the Commission shall present to the European Parliament and the Council a report on the application of this Regulation, together with any appropriate proposals. ENTRY INTO FORCE : 01.01.2000. The Regulation shall apply until 31.12.2004.�