PURPOSE : presentation of the final annual accounts of the European Community for the financial year 2004 – Other institutions : Section VIII (B) - European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).
CONTENT : this document sets out the amount of expenditure and the financial statement of the EDPS for 2004 and presents an analysis of its financial management. The available appropriations set out in the Supervisor’s 2004 budget amounted to roughly EUR 2 million, with a 77,5% utilisation rate.
Main axes of 2004 expenditure : the 1st institution’s budget : to recall, the EDPS was appointed for a 5 year mandate and has a threefold mission:
The main issues of the 2004 budget implementation can be summarised as follows:
DETAILED SYNTHESIS OF 2004 EXPENDITURE: this detailed synthesis analyses the breakdown of the EDPS’s expenditure for the financial year 2004. The figures mentioned can also be found in the “Final annual accounts of the European Communities - Financial year 2004 – Volume III”.
Implementation rate in 2004 :
Note : only 54,67% of the budget was paid in 2004 due to delayed decisions concerning the budget (the 2nd amending budget showing the final budget for the institution was adopted on 14 October 2004) which made it difficult to commit appropriations (in particular for meeting costs, training costs, studies and publications).