2005 discharge: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work


PURPOSE: presentation of the final accounts of the European Agency for Safety and Health for the financial year 2005.

CONTENT: this document published in the Official Journal of the EU sets out a detailed account of the implementation of the 2005 budget, including the revenue and expenditure and the balance sheet for the year concerned.

According to this document, the final budget amounted to EUR 13.7 million (compared to EUR 10.7 million in 2004) of which 96% stems from a Community subsidy (DG Employment) and the remaining 3% from DG Enlargement.

As regards the staffing policy, the Agency whose headquarters are based in Bilbao, set out 40 posts in its establishment plan of which 32 are currently occupied. 20 other posts (auxiliary contracts, seconded national experts, local staff and employment-agency staff) are also occupied totalling 52 posts assigned to operational, administrative and mixed tasks.

Staffing expenditure represented EUR 4 579 000.

As regards the Agency’s activities in 2005, further development of focal point networks was made (implementation of 2nd generation network) as well as institutional capacity building in candidate countries (PHARE programme). A European Week 2005 campaign on Noise finished with a European summit in Bilbao. The 3rd generation web-based information services on occupational safety and health was created and a global occupational safety and health portal was launched. Information products were published on good practice in agriculture and risk Observatory information products (e.g. reports on noise, MSD and stress, web information on construction and agriculture, among other topics; identification of emerging biological and chemical risks) were published.

The complete version of the final accounts may be found at the following address:
