ACT: Council Regulation 1828/2006/EC setting out rules for the implementation of Council Regulation 1083/2006/EC laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and of Regulation 1080/2006/EC on the European Regional Development Fund.
CONTENT: the purpose of this implementing act is to lay down new provisions for implementing Regulation 1080/2006/EC and Regulation 1083/2006/EC in the following policy areas:
- Information and publicity (including the preparation of a “Communication Plan” which will seek to publicise the contribution of EU funding);
- Information on the use of the Funds;
- Management and control systems;
- Irregularities;
- Personal Data;
- The financial correction for non-respect of additionality;
- The electronic exchange of data;
- Financial engineering instruments;
- Housing eligibility; and
- Eligibility rules applicable to the operational programmes for the “European territorial co-operation objective”.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 16/01/2007.