Common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products  
2011/0194(COD) - 19/07/2011  

The Council held a public exchange of views on Commission proposals for the reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP).

The Member States welcomed the general approach proposed by the Commission in the "package" for the reform of the CFP. However, while praising the proposed objective of maximum sustainable yield (MSY), several Member States stressed the difficulty of reaching the objective by 2015 and would prefer a more gradual approach. While the proposal to introduce a system of transferable fishing concessions was generally considered a good basis for further discussion, many Member States insisted that this system should be managed at national level, with sufficient safeguards and flexibility.

As regards the ban on discards, most Member States agreed with the objective of promoting sustainable fishing, but some noted that the deadline proposed in the package could be too tight to implement efficient measures.

The concept of regionalisation was positively received in general, although its details will have to be analysed further.

The vast majority of delegations acknowledged the importance given to aquaculture in this "package".

Several Member States noted also that EU's external fishery policy had been given a specific place in the proposals.

Many delegations felt it necessary to provide for special treatment for small scale coastal fleet segments.

Many delegations regretted that the financial framework for the future CFP had not been presented with the package. This framework will be presented later by the Commission.

It should be recalled that the Commission presented the "package" consisting of the following proposals and communications:

Proposal for a regulation on the CFP replacing the basic provisions of the CFP;

Proposal for a regulation on the common organisation of the markets in fishery and aquaculture products, focussing on market policy issues;

Communication from the Commission on the external dimension of the CFP;

Report from the Commission on reporting obligations under regulation 2371/2002 on the conservation and sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources under the CFP;

Communication from the Commission on the reform of the CFP, explaining the organisation of the "package".