Lifts: approximation of minimum requirements of security (repeal. Directives 84/528/EEC and 84/529/EEC)  
1992/0394(COD) - 06/09/1994  
The committee adopted the report by Mr Alain POMPIDOU (RDE, F). The first and third amendments related to the substance, the fourth aimed to improve the wording and the second concerned comitology. The third amendment had been slightly amended to ensure that for both new and existing buildings the lift was designed to permit access to disabled persons when, in both cases, this was technically possibly. The representative of the Commission did not have any reservations except with regard to comitology, stating that the Commission could not support this immediately since negotiations were currently underway to reach an interinstitutional agreement on comitology. Several Members were surprised at this reservation and felt that if the Commission shared Parliament's concerns with regard to comitology, it should match its words with its actions by supporting this amendment. �