Energy: use of biofuels for road transport  
2001/0265(COD) - 04/07/2002  
The European Parliament adopted the resolution drafted by Maria del Pilar AYUSO GONZALEZ (EPP-ED, Spain) on the Commission's proposal. (Please refer to the document dated 19/06/02.) The Member States have to submit a report on the environmental impact of the planned measures and a breakdown of the cost. Several factors must be taken into account, including land use, the degree of intensity of cultivation, the use of pesticides, the protection of watercourses and energy efficiency. Parliament specified that any further increases in biofuels must be subject to a detailed assessment of a full analysis of their life cycle and their benefits in terms of CO2 and sustainable farming practices. The Commission must carry out this assessment by 30/06/06. In respect of crops intended for the production of biofuels, Member States need to adopt appropriate environmental measures, in view of the particular situation of the farmland used or the production concerned.�