Electronic communications: processing of personal data, protection of privacy  
2000/0189(COD) - 13/11/2001  
The European Parliament adopted the report by Marco CAPPATO (Ind, I) on the protection of privacy in the context of electronic communications. (Please refer to previous text.) Notwithstanding the prohibition on direct marketing by fax, SMS or automated calling systems, companies may use details obtained directly from their customers for direct marketing. Customers must have the right to stop this, free of charge and in an easy manner at any time. The sending of electronic messages for the purposes of direct marketing which disguise or conceal the identity of the sender is prohibited. After 30 months from the entry into force of the directive, subscribers must have the right to ask providers of electronic communications services to use technical solutions which allow them to view the sender and subject line of electronic mails, without having to download the rest of the contents or any attachments. National legislation complying with the directive must be effective 15 months after its entry into force. The Commission must submit an impact report no later than three years after the date of implementation.�