PURPOSE: to establish the specific programme implementing the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020).
LEGISLATIVE ACT: Council Decision establishing the specific programme implementing Horizon 2020 - the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020) and repealing Decisions 2006/971/EC, 2006/972/EC, 2006/973/EC, 2006/974/EC and 2006/975/EC.
CONTENT: the Decision establishes the specific programme implementing Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 establishing the specific programme implementing the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) and determines the specific objectives for Union support to the research and innovation activities as well as the rules for implementation.
Horizon 2020 replaces the EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research, which ended in 2013. Its objective is to contribute to the construction of a society and an economy based on knowledge and innovation across the Union.
In line with the Framework Programme, the specific Programme is made up of the following sections:
Excellent science: the Programme supports: i) the activities of the European Research Council (ERC) on frontier research, ii) future and emerging technologies, iii) Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and iv) European research infrastructures.
These activities should aim at building competence in the long term, focusing strongly on the next generation of science, systems and researchers, and providing support for emerging talent from across the Union and from associated countries. Union activities to support excellent science should help consolidate the European Research Area (ERA) and make the science system of the Union more competitive and attractive on a global scale.
Europe's industrial leadership: the Programme supports research, technological development, demonstration and innovation in the following enabling and industrial technologies: i) information and communication technologies (ICT); ii) nanotechnologies; iii) advanced materials; iv) biotechnology; v) advanced manufacturing and processing; vi) space.
The objectives are also: i) to improve access to risk finance for investment in research and innovation; and ii) to enhance innovation in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Societal challenges: research, technological development, demonstration and innovation should contribute to the achievement of the following specific objectives:
· improving the lifelong health and well-being of all;
· securing sufficient supplies of safe, healthy and high quality food and other bio-based products (food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy);
· making the transition to a reliable, affordable, publicly accepted, sustainable and competitive energy system, aiming at reducing fossil fuel dependency;
· achieving a European transport system that is resource-efficient, climate- and environmentally-friendly, safe and seamless (Smart, green and integrated transport);
· achieving a resource- and water-efficient and climate change resilient economy and society, protection and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems and a sustainable supply and use of raw materials;
· fostering a greater understanding of Europe, providing solutions and supporting inclusive, innovative and reflective European societies in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies;
· fostering secure European societies in a context of unprecedented transformations and growing global interdependencies and threats, while strengthening the European culture of freedom and justice.
Spreading excellence and widening participation: it aims to fully exploit the potential of Europe's talent pool and ensure that the benefits of an innovation-led economy are both maximised and widely distributed across the Union.
Science with and for society: the objective is to build effective cooperation between science and society, by fostering the recruitment of new talent for science, and pairing scientific excellence, on the one hand, with social awareness and responsibility, on the other hand.
Non-nuclear direct actions of the Joint Research Centre (JRC): these actions contribute to all of the priorities set out in the Horizon 2020 Programme with the specific objective of providing customer-driven scientific and technical support to Union policies.
In carrying out the direct actions in accordance with its mission, the JRC should place particular emphasis on areas of key concern for the Union, namely smart, inclusive and sustainable growth, and the headings Security and citizenship and Global Europe of the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020.
The broad lines of the specific objectives and activities to be carried out are described in the Annexes to the Decision.
Budget: in accordance with the Regulation establishing Horizon 2020, the financial envelope for the implementation of the specific programme shall be EUR 74 316.9 million.
Implementation: the Decision provides that the Commission shall establish a European Research Council (ERC), which shall be the means of implementing the actions under Excellent science which relate to the specific objective The European Research Council (ERC).
The ERC shall have a President who shall be chosen from among senior and internationally respected scientists. The independent Scientific Council shall be composed of scientists, engineers and scholars of the highest repute and appropriate expertise, of both women and men in different age groups, ensuring a diversity of research areas.
A dedicated implementation structure shall be responsible for the administrative implementation and programme execution.
ENTRY INTO FORCE: 23.12.2013.
DELEGATED ACTS: the Commission may adopt delegated acts in order to ensure that the specific conditions for the use of the finance facilities reflect market conditions. The power to adopt such acts is conferred on the Commission for the duration of Horizon 2020. The Council may object to a delegated act within a period of two months from the date of notification (this period can be extended for a month). If the Council makes objections, the delegated act will not enter into force. The European Parliament will be informed of delegated acts adopted by the Commission and any objection expressed towards them.