System of own resources of the EU: implementing measures


The Committee on Budgets adopted, in the framework of a special legislative procedure (Parliament consent), the report by Jean-Luc DEHAENE (EPP, BE) and Anne E. JENSEN (ADLE, DK) on the draft Council regulation (EU, Euratom) laying down implementing measures for the system of own resources of the European Union.

The committee recommended that the European Parliament should give its consent to the draft Council Regulation.

To recall, the Implementing Regulation is part of the global package on the reform of the system of own resources presented by the Commission in June 2011 (and revised in November 2011). It contains provisions on determining the own resources, control and supervision and reporting requirements for national authorities. As outlined in the draft Council decision on the system of own resources the implementing regulation contains provisions of a general nature applicable to all types of own resources and which require appropriate parliamentary oversight.

In the present draft Council regulation laying down implementing measures for the system of own resources of the European Union, the Council adapted the Commission's proposal from 2011 to the outcome of negotiations on the MFF/Own Resources, omitting the parts on the reform of the VAT own resource and the introduction of an FTT own resource that did not obtain Council's support.