The European Parliament adopted some amendments on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1215/2009 introducing exceptional trade measures for countries and territories participating in or linked to the European Union's Stabilisation and Association process and suspending its application with regard to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
The matter was referred for review to the competent Committee. The vote was postponed to a later meeting.
The amendments adopted in plenary focus on the following points:
Delegated acts: in order to assure a proper democratic oversight of the application of the basic Regulation by the Commission, Parliament proposed to apply the procedure with delegated acts in relation to:
Furthermore, Parliament introduced to the basic Regulation a recital explaining the use of delegated acts.
Adaptation of the Interim Agreement with the EU: following the accession of Croatia, the authorities of BiH and the Commission were urged to strive for an agreement, in particular, as regards cross-border exchanges, before 1 January 2016, and in accordance with the Interim Agreement.
Progress towards accession: Members judged it necessary to take into account the constant progress towards European Union membership by the concerned countries and territories of the Western Balkans, as well the Union's unequivocal commitment to BiH's EU perspective, as set out in the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council of 15 December 2014.
A new recital stressed that the European Union expects the political leadership of the country to pursue reforms aimed at promoting functional institutions as well as ensuring equal rights for the three constituent peoples and all citizens of BiH.