In accordance with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 480/2009, the Commission is required to send a report to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors on the situation of the guarantee fund for external action and its management in 2015. The Fund was set up in order to repay the Unions creditors in the event of default by beneficiaries of loans granted or guaranteed by the European Union. The financial management of the Fund is entrusted to the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Financial position of the Fund at 31 December 2015: the Fund totalled EUR 2 343 091 110.14 which corresponds to the sum of all the financial flows since the setting up of the Fund in 1994.
The accounting value of the Fund increased by about EUR 205 million in 2015. This is explained by:
Significant transactions: the report noted that since November 2011, the EIB is facing arrears on Syrian sovereign loans. As a consequence, and in line with the guarantee agreement between the EU and the EIB, the EIB has made 29 calls on the EU Guarantee Fund up to 31 December 2015 for a total amount of EUR 225.1 million.
The Regulation sets a target amount for the Fund of 9 % of the total outstanding capital liabilities arising from each operation, plus any unpaid interest due.
To adjust the Fund to the 9 % of the total outstanding capital liabilities, an amount of EUR 257.1 million was entered in the 2016 budget for the provisioning of the Fund.
At 31.12.2014, the target amount was EUR 2 371.8 million corresponding to the 9 % of the total outstanding guaranteed operations (EUR 26 353.2 million). The difference between the target amount and the net assets of the Fund of EUR 2 114.7 million at 31.12.2014 was equal to EUR 257.1 million.
This amount was requested for the provisioning of the Fund in 2016 and was approved by the Council and the European Parliament as part of the approval of the 2016 budget in November 2015. It was subsequently recognised as a receivable of the Fund from the budget.
In February 2015, an amount of EUR 144.4 million was transferred from the budget to the Fund corresponding to the provisioning amount for 2015.
Interest from the investment of the Funds liquid assets:
Products and operating activities: the result from operating activities amounted to EUR -1 113 894, which include the EIB management fees for EUR 861 228, other operating expenses (mainly custody fees) for EUR 190 955, the external audit fees for EUR 39 500, unrealised exchange gain on subrogated Loans for EUR 477 789 and accrued EIB recovery fees for EUR 500 000 (maximum agreed amount).
Default payments: in the wake of the deteriorating situation in Syria, the Foreign Affairs Council, the European Parliament and the Council had taken some decisions in 2011 towards the country. In particular, they prohibited disbursements by the EIB in connection with existing loan agreements as well as they suspended EIB technical assistance contracts for sovereign projects in Syria.
As a consequence, no new financing operation has been pursued by the EIB since May 2011 and all on-going disbursements and technical assistance services to the Syrian Arab Republic have been suspended since November 2011 until further notice.
During the first two months of 2016, an additional call for defaulting payments in Syria has been made for a total amount of EUR 7.8 million.