In accordance with Decision No 1313/2013/EU, the Commission presented a report on the interim evaluation of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) for the period 2014-2016.
On the basis of the findings of the external evaluation report, its own assessment and the operational experience and lessons learned, the Commission concluded that the mechanism is well on track to achieve the general and specific objectives set out in the decision.
Main findings: the report showed that, in general, the objectives of the UCPM seem to remain relevant to the needs of Europe:
As regards the specific objectives, the analysis of the UCPM effectiveness showed that:
The existence of a single European hub for information sharing and operational coordination, the introduction of common European standards for disaster response capacities and common guidelines on risk assessments, which have contributed to the development of an overview of risks in the EU in the framework of the UCPM legislation, are perceived as having delivered high EU added value in the areas of disaster response, preparedness and prevention, respectively.
Challenges and necessary improvements: the evaluation also highlighted a number of challenges that, if addressed promptly, could increase even further the impact of UCPM supported action.
A general area identified for improvement is the strengthening of the UCPM results monitoring framework, including better measurability through the possible introduction of quantitative indicators and baselines, in support of a stronger focus on impact over time.
Several improvements are suggested:
1) Prevention:
2) Preparation:
3) Reaction:
From a cross-cutting perspective, prevention and preparedness missions should adopt a results-based approach, and coherence between the UCPM and the instruments of the neighbourhood policy should be strengthened.
Outlook: the report stressed that the UCPM needs to be closer to local and regional actors, while continuing to strengthen, through national civil protection authorities, the governance of disaster risk management at both cross-border and along the European-national regional-local chain.
The Commission shall assess the appropriateness of amending the provisions of Decision No 1313/2013/EU with a view to: (i) strengthening effectiveness by providing realistic incentives, attaining simplifications and reducing administrative burden; (ii) matching current/emerging risks with response capacities; (iii) making full use of Europe's expertise and assets for preparedness and response.