The European Parliament adopted by 484 votes to
77 with 15 abstentions a resolution objecting to the
Commission delegated regulation amending Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2017/118 establishing fisheries conservation
measures for the protection of the marine environment in the North
In the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy
(CFP), fisheries conservation measures can be adopted to ensure
compliance with environmental legislation (Habitats and Birds
Directives, Marine Strategy Framework Directive), as provided for
in Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013.
The proposed delegated regulation aims to adopt
the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the obligations
established under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
(Directive 2008/56 / EC).
Parliament notes the following:
- the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for
Fisheries (STECF), in its scientific advice, voiced a number of
concerns as regards the effectiveness of the proposed measures for
protected species and habitats and seafloor integrity. Those
concerns have not been fully reflected in the recitals to the
delegated regulation under review;
- the STECF also noted in its scientific advice that the
figures relating to the fishing activity in question on which the
proposed measures are based are from 2010-2012 and could therefore
be outdated;
- the unquantified number of vessels that would be
covered by the partially temporary exemptions under Commission
Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/118, as amended by the delegated
regulation under review, could well have an impact on the
effectiveness of the proposed measures;
- the definition of alternative seabed-impacting
fishing gear set out in Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2017/118, as amended by the delegated regulation under review,
needs to be further specified;
- the impact of the proposed alternative
seabed-impacting fishing gear could still be significantly
higher than that of other, partially prohibited gear (Danish and
Scottish seines);
- lastly, the review and reporting clause of the
proposed delegated act does not apply to the newly proposed zones
and their management.
Bearing these considerations in mind,
Parliament objected to the Commission delegated