PURPOSE: to conclude the Investment Protection Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Singapore of the other part.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.
ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: Council may adopt the act only if Parliament has given its consent to the act.
BACKGROUND: the dynamically growing Southeast Asian economies, with their over 600 million consumers and a rapidly rising middle class, are key markets for European Union exporters and investors. With a total EUR 208 billion of trade in goods and EUR 77 billion of trade in services (2016), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) taken as a whole is the EU’s third largest trading partner outside Europe, after the US and China.
At the same time, a total EUR 263 billion foreign direct investment stock (2016) in the ASEAN makes the EU the first foreign direct investor in the ASEAN, while the ASEAN as a whole is in its turn the second largest Asian foreign direct investor in the EU – with a total foreign direct investment stock of EUR 116 billion (2016).
Within the ASEAN, Singapore is by far the EU’s largest partner, accounting for slightly under one-third of EU-ASEAN trade in goods and services, and roughly two-thirds of investments between the two regions. Over 10 000 EU companies are established in Singapore and use it as a hub to serve the whole Pacific Rim.
On 23 April 2007, the Council authorised the Commission to enter into negotiations for a region-to-region Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Member States of the ASEAN. On 12 September 2011, the Council authorised the Commission to extend the on-going negotiations with Singapore to cover also investment protection, based on a new EU competence under the Lisbon Treaty.
On the basis of the negotiating directives adopted by the Council in 2007, and supplemented in 2011 to include investment protection, the Commission has negotiated with Singapore an ambitious and comprehensive FTA and an Investment Protection Agreement (IPA), with a view to creating new opportunities and legal certainty for trade and investment between both partners to develop.
From the date of its entry into force, the EU-Singapore IPA will replace and supersede the bilateral investment treaties between the Republic of Singapore and EU Member States that are listed in the IPA.
CONTENT: the Commission called on the Council to adopt the Decision to conclude the Investment Protection Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and Singapore of the other part.
Main aim of the IPA: it aims to:
In line with the objectives set by the negotiating directives, the Commission secured the following:
Committee: the institutional chapter of the IPA establishes a committee with the main task to supervise and facilitate the implementation and application of the agreement. Among other tasks, the committee may, subject to the completion of each side’s respective legal requirements and procedures, decide to appoint the Members of the ICS Tribunals, fix their monthly retainer and fees, and adopt binding interpretations of the agreement.
BUDGETARY IMPLICATIONS: the EU-Singapore FTA will have a financial impact on the EU budget on the side of the revenues. It is estimated that foregone duties could reach an amount of EUR 248.8 million upon full implementation of the agreement. The estimate is based on average imports projected for 2025 in the absence of an agreement and represents the annual loss in revenues resulting from the elimination of EU tariffs on imports from Singapore. The EU-Singapore IPA is expected to have a financial impact on the EU budget on the side of the expenditures. The agreement will be the EU’s second (after the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) to incorporate the Investment Court System (ICS) for the resolution of disputes between investors and states. An amount of EUR 200 000 of additional yearly expenditure is foreseen from 2018 onwards (subject to the entry into force of the agreement) to finance the permanent structure comprising a First Instance and an Appeal Tribunal.