Financial assistance to Member States and countries negotiating their accession to the Union seriously affected by a major public health emergency


The European Parliament adopted by 671 votes to 3, with 14 abstentions, a legislative resolution on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002 in order to provide financial assistance to Member States and to countries negotiating their accession to the Union that are seriously affected by a major public health emergency.

The European Parliament adopted its position at first reading in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure. As an agreement was reached between Parliament and Council, Parliament's position corresponds to the final legislative act.

The proposal aims at extending the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to major public health emergencies. The EUSF was created to show solidarity with Member States facing a serious crisis caused by a major natural disaster which is deemed to exceed the budgetary response capacities of the affected Member States.

Under the amending regulation, operations eligible under the Fund would be extended to include support in the event of a major public health emergency, including medical assistance, and measures to prevent, monitor or control the spread of diseases.

Union assistance shall be complementary to the efforts of the States concerned and be used to cover a share of the public expenditure committed to dealing with the most essential emergency operations resulting from the emergency situation.

For major public health emergencies, it is foreseen to set the threshold for access to the Fund at a minimum level of public expenditure related to the public financial burden imposed on the eligible State by the emergency measures of 0.3 % of GNI or EUR 1.5 billion (whichever is the lower), in 2011 prices, i.e. half of the threshold applicable to natural disasters.

The measures shall unlock up to EUR 800 million for European countries in 2020.