Equivalence of field inspections carried out on cereal seed-producing crops and equivalence of cereal seed produced in Ukraine


PURPOSE: to add Ukraine to the list of countries, for which equivalence of field inspections of seed-producing crops of cereal species and the equivalence of the produced seed has been recognised.

PROPOSED ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council.

ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT: the European Parliament decides in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure on an equal footing with the Council.

BACKGROUND: Council Decision 2003/17/EC provides that under certain conditions field inspections carried out on certain seed-producing crops in the listed third countries are to be considered equivalent to field inspections carried out in accordance with Union law and that under certain conditions seed of certain species of cereal produced in those countries is to be considered equivalent to seed produced in accordance with Union law.

Ukraine has submitted a request to the Commission for equivalence as regards its system of field inspection of cereal seed producing crops and in respect of cereal seed produced and certified in Ukraine.

Following that request, the Commission examined the relevant Ukrainian legislation and carried out an audit of the field inspections and seed certification system for cereal seed in place in Ukraine. It was concluded that its requirements and system in place are equivalent to the ones of the Union and offer the same assurance as the Union’s system.

CONTENT: the proposal to amend Decision 2003/17/EC aims to grant equivalence as regards field inspections carried in respect of cereal seed in Ukraine and as regards cereal seed produced in Ukraine and officially certified by its authorities.

The proposal fully meets the objectives of the EU/Ukraine Association Agreement as it shall boost trade in seed which complies with EU rules.

According to the Commission, equivalence would therefore contribute to the maintenance of the continuous supply of high quality seed in the EU. Moreover, European seed companies seek new opportunities, which would be provided for by the EU equivalence. The proposal has no impact on compliance costs for operators.