Union's rights in enforcing and implementing the UK Withdrawal Agreement and the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement


The Committees on Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Constitutional Affairs jointly adopted a report by Andreas SCHIEDER (S&D, DE), Seán KELLY (EPP, IE) and Danuta Maria HÜBNER (EPP, PL) on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules for the exercise of the Union's rights in the implementation and enforcement of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part.

The committee responsible recommended that the European Parliament's position adopted at first reading under the ordinary legislative procedure should amend the proposal as follows:

Parliament’s scrutiny

Members stressed in the explanatory statement that it is essential to ensure Parliament’s scrutiny and the democratic oversight of the implementation of the Agreements with the UK. Therefore, Parliament should be able to fully play its role in the monitoring and implementation of the Agreements that form part of a special and unprecedented relationship between the EU and a neighbour country, which was a former Member State.

In this regard, the report proposed that Parliament should be fully informed in a timely manner on a par with the Council of all difficulties that may arise, in particular possible breaches of the Agreements and other situations that might result in measures being taken pursuant to this Regulation, as well as of the Commission's intention to adopt any enforcement measures under the Agreements and of the follow up to any measures taken in order to enable a meaningful exchange of views to take place including when urgent action is required. The European Parliament should have the possibility to express its opinion to the Commission, which the Commission should consider before it adopts any enforcement measures.

Where there is a particular concern any Member State, or the European Parliament may request the Commission to adopt measures or the European Parliament may request the Commission to review its concern and assess the need to adopt such measures. If the Commission does not respond positively to such a request, it should inform the European Parliament and the Council in timely manner of its reasons.

Committee procedure

The Commission should be assisted by the UK Committee. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 on laying down the rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission's exercise of implementing powers, the European Parliament and the Council should be regularly and promptly informed on committee proceedings. The European Parliament and the Council may at any time exercise their right of scrutiny.


By three years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission should present a report on the application of this Regulation, accompanied where appropriate by relevant legislative proposals.