Protection of employees: insolvency of employer, transnational situations (amend. Directive 80/987/EEC)

The committee adopted the report by Theodorus BOUWMAN (Greens/EFA, NL) amending the Council's common position under the codecision procedure (2nd reading). Although the common position had not taken on board Parliament's first reading amendments covering 'new forms of work and work relations', the committee felt that the new directive should be adopted and implemented as soon as possible and therefore refrained from retabling those amendments. However, the rapporteur reached a compromise with the Commission, whereby the latter would look into the situation of workers in 'new labour relations' in the Member States and hold a public hearing with Parliament on this subject. The committee incorporated a paragraph to this effect in the legislative resolution contained in its report. The amendments that were adopted sought to broaden the scope of the rules on severance pay where this is provided for under national law. The committee also wanted Member States to observe certain principles when regulating the organisation, funding and operation of the guarantee institutions. Lastly, the Commission was asked to submit within five years an assessment of the implementation of the directive in the Member States. �