Maritime safety: ship inspections and survey organisations, package Erika I

The committee adopted the report by Josu ORTUONDO LARREA (Greens/EFA, E) amending the proposal under the codecision procedure (1st reading). Although it broadly welcomed the proposal, the committee adopted a number of amendments seeking to tighten up the text and improve the practical application of the classification system. It proposed for example that, in the interests of harmonisation, the same timescale should be adopted for the inspections of the inspection organisations carried out by the Member States and by the Commission, in other words, every 2 years. It wanted the actions of recognised organisations to be thoroughly scrutinised and recognition to be withdrawn if the accident rate recorded by ships classed by such organisations was excessively high. The committee also wanted to ensure improved transparency, and therefore called for inspection organisations to make all relevant information on changes, suspensions or withdrawals of class available to the public on their websites. Lastly, it felt that the amounts of compensation which the Commission was proposing should be paid by the inspection organisation for personal injury or death (up to EUR 5 million) and loss or damage to property (up to EUR 2.5 million) caused by any negligent or reckless act or omission of that organisation should be reviewed by the Council and Parliament after 3 years, in the light of experience gained.