OBJECTIVE: harmonisation of specifications for speedometers on two- and three-wheel motor
SUBSTANCE: the proposal for a Directive concerning harmonisation of specifications for
speedometers on two- and three-wheel motor vehicles should be seen in the context of the type-
approval procedure for such vehicles laid down by Framework Directive 92/61/EEC. The
requirements contained in the proposal relate to the design of speedometers to be fitted in two-
or three-wheel motor vehicles, specifications which must - along with those for other parts and
characteristics provided for in Annex I to the Framework Directive - be complied with for vehicles
to be type-approved and put on the Community market. By this proposal the Commission
responds to a request from the Benelux countries for the obligatory fitting of speedometers on
all two- or three-wheel motor vehicles (except those with a maximum design speed of 25 km/h
or less) in the interests of road safety and environmental protection.