EC statistics: legislative framework for the production of EC statistics

The European Parliament approved this proposal for a regulation with the following amendments: - it clarified the legal basis of the proposal by adding Articles 43, 76, 87, 100, 100a and 113 to the legal basis defined by the Commission (Article 213); - with regard to the Community authority responsible for the production of statistics, the EP stated that the Statistical Office of the European Communities, "Eurostat", should be the competent body and thus deleted the article defining this Community authority; - the EMI and national central banks, which were expressly excluded from the scope of the Community's action in the field of statistics, were no longer excluded; - the EP deleted all references to the "charging policy" applied to users by the authorities responsible for the production of statistics; - finally, with regard to comitology, the EP requested that it be consulted on the measures taken by the Commission that did not conform to the decisions of the two committees established by the proposal for a regulation, and it deleted the article laying down the procedure to be followed when the Commission submitted draft measures to the committees. �