Cyprus and Malta: pre-accession strategy, implementation of operations

The European Parliament approved the report by Mr. Elmar Brok (EPP/ED, D) on the proposals on the pre-accession strategy for Cyprus and Malta. Among the amendments that were adopted was one stating that the Financial Frame of Reference for the period for the implementation of the regulation (2000-2004) which Council proposes should be EUR 95 million "seems to be inadequate" and should be reviewed. The annual appropriations shall be approved by the relevant budgetary authority within the limits of the Financial Perspective. Other amendments would move the funding covered in this report from Category 4 (external actions) to Category 7 (pre-accession aid) of the Financial Perspective as this would be a financially neutral move. A further amendment would substitute the management committee that is being proposed with a less powerful advisory committee. Finally, the Commission shall submit annually, in good time, the necessary budgetary and financial information to enable the legislature and the budgetary authority to assess and justify the financial intervention of the Community. This is to ensure the smooth attainment of the political aim so that this accession process may prove successful, adequate and transparent.�