LEGISLATIVE ACT : Commission Regulation 1071/2005/EC laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation 2826/2000/EC on information and promotion actions for agricultural products on the internal market.
CONTENT : in light of experience gained in recent years, Commission Regulation 94/2002/EC laying down detailed rules for applying Council Regulation 2826/2000/EC on information and promotion actions for agricultural products on the internal market should be amended. In the interests of clarity and rationality, that Regulation should be replaced by a new one.
This Regulation lays down detailed rules for applying Regulation 2826/2000/EC, in particular as regards the drawing up, selection, implementation, financing and checking of the programmes referred to in Article 6(1) of that Regulation and the rules applicable to the programmes part-financed by the Member States and the Community referred to in Article 7(1) of that Regulation.
The new Regulation includes, inter alia, the following provisions:
the drawing up and regular updating of lists of themes and products covered by information and promotion actions for agricultural products on the internal market, the national authorities responsible for implementing this Regulation and the duration of the programmes should be specified;
- it should be specified that any message about the nutritional value of a product passed on to consumers and other target groups under the programmes must have a recognised scientific basis and that the sources of that information must be recognised;
- general and specific guidelines to be followed for products covered by information and promotion campaigns should be drawn up;
- in the interests of sound financial management, programmes should contain detailed rules on the financial contribution of Member States and proposing organisations;
- it should be clearly laid down that, in the case of multiannual programmes, an internal evaluation report should be submitted on completion of each annual phase, even where no payment request has been made;
- the interest rate payable by the beneficiary of a wrongful payment should be aligned on the interest rate for amounts receivable not repaid on the due date referred to in Article 86 of Commission Regulation 2342/2002/EC laying down detailed rules for the implementation of Council Regulation 1605/2002/EC, Euratom on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities;
- to ease the transition from Regulation 94/2002/EC to this Regulation, transitional measures should be taken for information and promotion programmes for which funding is decided on by the Commission before the entry into force of this Regulation;
ENTRY INTO FORCE : 18/07/2005.