Maritime transport: activities of third countries in the field of cargo shipping (repeal. Directive 78/774/EEC). Codification


PURPOSE: to codify legislative acts relating to the activities of certain third countries in the field of cargo shipping.

LEGISLATIVE ACT: Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the activities of certain third countries in the field of cargo shipping.

CONTENT: for the purpose of clarity and simplification the EU is codifying Council Decision 78/774 on the activities of certain third countries in the field of cargo shipping. The Decision sets up an information system which allows the Community to be kept informed on the activities of the fleets of third countries whose practices are harmful to the shipping interest of the Member States and in so far as those activities adversely affect the competitive participation of the fleets of Member States in international maritime trade. The system allows Member States to collect information on: the level of cargo shipping services offered; the nature, volume, value, origin and destination of goods loaded or unloaded in the Member States by the ships engaged in these services; and the level of tariffs charged for such services.

The Council, acting on qualified majority, will decide the fleets of third countries, to which this information system shall apply. The information thus collated will be regularly reviewed at both a national and a Community level. The Decision specifies that the Council, acting on unanimity may decide on the joint application by Member States, in their relations with a third country or group of third countries regarding which decision has been adopted, of appropriate counter-measures forming part of their national legislation. The Member States are allowed to retain their right to apply unilaterally their national information systems and counter measures.