Outermost regions: specific supply arrangements for agricultural products which are essential for human consumption, for the manufacture of other products or as agricultural inputs


ACT : Commission Regulation 793/2006/EC laying down certain detailed rules for applying Council Regulation 247/2006/EC laying down specific measures for agriculture in the outermost regions of the Union.

CONTENT : In view of the changes introduced by Regulation  247/2006/EC and the experience gained, and in the interests of legislative simplification, the Commission repeals a number of implementing Regulations and replaces them with this single Regulation. This Regulation lays down detailed rules for implementing Regulation 247/2006/EC, particularly as regards the programmes relating to specific supply arrangements for the outermost regions, measures to support local production in those regions and accompanying measures.

The Regulation has been structured along the following lines:

Specific supply arrangements: Title II refers to the forecast supply balances. Detailed implementing rules are laid down for drawing up and amending the forecast supply balances for products eligible under the specific supply arrangements. Detailed rules are also laid down for fixing the amount of aid for the supply of products under the specific supply arrangements. The rules take account of the additional costs of supply to the outermost regions due to their remote and insular nature, which constitute a burden that severely handicaps them. The Regulation lays down rules for supplies through imports from third countries, and Community supply. It deals with import licenses, the fixing of granting of aid and exemption and aid certificates. Common provisions are laid down regarding, inter alia, passing on the advantage to end-users. The benefits granted in the form of exemption from import duties and aid for Community products must be passed on so that they are reflected in production costs and in the prices paid by the end-users. Checks will ensure that the benefits are actually passed on.

Measures to assist local products: Title III refers to marketing outside the production area as well as aid applications and on the spot checks. Rules are laid down on reductions and exclusions, and recovery of unduly paid amounts.

Accompanying measures: Title IV deals with the graphic symbol and the importation of tobacco into the Canary Islands. Detailed rules are adopted on the graphic symbol, which is aimed at ensuring greater awareness and consumption of processed and unprocessed quality agricultural products specific to the outermost regions of the Community.

ENTRY INTO FORCE: 03/06/2006. The Regulation shall apply for each Member State concerned as from the date on which the Commission notifies its approval of the relevant Member State 's programme, in accordance with Article 24(2) of Regulation 247/2006/EC.