PURPOSE: to present the draft amending budget No 2 to the 2007 budget which aims to:
1) Mobilisation of the EUSF: in March and April 2006 severe floods hit large parts of central, south-eastern and southern Europe causing severe damage in a number of countries. Hungary and Greece applied for financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund relating to the floods within the ten week deadline set by Article 4 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2012/2002.
2) Modification of the structure of the 2007 budget for research following the adoption of FP7: the legal base of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) was adopted at the end of 2006. Some differences exist between the budget structure in the adopted legal base, and the structure in Budget 2007, which was based on the amended Commission proposal of 24 May 2006 on the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)5. The main changes, which should now be incorporated into the structure of Budget 2007, are as follows:
- Split into two separate budget lines of the research priority "Security and space": the creation of two items under article 02 04 01 "Security and space research" is proposed: item 02 04 01 01 "Security research" and item 02 04 01 02 "Space research". The commitments appropriations proposed for these two new items correspond to the split of the amount allocated for "Security and space research" in the budget. The amount for each new item will be calculated on the basis of the percentage foreseen in the FP7 legal base for these two sub-programmes.
- Introduction of a new sub-programme, under the specific programme "Capacities: Coherent development of research policies": a new budget line 08 23 01 "Coherent development of research policies" is created, and it is proposed to allocate EUR 7.6 million in commitment appropriations and EUR 2.7 million in payment appropriations to this line. However, no new financing is requested, rather the appropriations will be deducted from budget line 08 16 01 corresponding to the sub-programme "Science in Society". This reflects the approach taken by the Legislative Authority, which reduced this activity by EUR 29 million over the duration of FP7 compared to the amended Commission Proposal presented in May 2006.
- Reduction in payment appropriations: a reduction is proposed in the budgeted payment appropriations for line 02 04 01 "Security and space research", amounting to EUR 24.4 million. These payment appropriations will be allocated to budget line 13 06 01, to cover the needs related to the mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund. The needs for payment appropriations for "Security and space research" activities are lower than originally foreseen, due to the late adoption of the FP7 legal base.
Conclusion: while the overall impact on commitment appropriations will be an increase of EUR 24.4 million, the overall level of payment appropriations will not change.