On 28 March 2007, the Commission forwarded to the Council Preliminary Draft Amending Budget (PDAB) No. 2/2007 concerning the mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund for Hungary and Greece and the modification of the structure of the 2007 budget for Research, following the adoption of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7).
The aim of the proposal is to mobilise a total amount of EUR 24 370 114 in order to allocate an amount of EUR 15 063 587 to Hungary and EUR 9 306 527 to Greece for financial assistance from the EU Solidarity Fund relating to floods that hit these countries in March and April 2006.
It also aims to split into two separate budget lines Article 02 04 01 (Security and Space Research) and to introduce a new sub-programme under the specific programme "Capacities: Coherent development of research policies".
At the Trilogue meeting provided for in Point 26 of the Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 May 2006 (on the financing of the EU Solidarity Fund), held on 18 April 2007, agreement was reached on the above mentioned proposal for mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund (ACI/2007/2068) and on PDAB No. 2/2007.
The necessary payment appropriations for this PDAB will be fully covered with appropriations from Article 02 04 01 (Security and space research) instead of calling for fresh money.
On 7 May 2007, the Council established Draft Amending Budget No. 2 to the budget for 2007 as submitted by the Commission in its Preliminary Draft Amending Budget No. 2 and set out in the technical annex to this draft Council budget (see Council document 9254/07 ADD).