PURPOSE: to associate Israel with the EU’s 7th Framework Programme through the signature and conclusion of an Agreement on Scientific and Technical Co-operation.
PROPOSED ACT: Council Decision.
BACKGROUND: in 2004 the Community signed an Agreement on Scientific and Technical Co-operation with the State of Israel, the purpose of which is to associate Israel will all the specific programmes of the 6th Framework Programme. The Agreement specifies that where the Community adopts a new multiannual framework programme for research and development the Agreement can be renegotiated or renewed under mutually agreed conditions. Since October 2006, the Commission (on behalf of the Community) has been negotiating with the State of Israel the terms and conditions of the new Agreement. These negotiations were completed in February 2007.
CONTENT: the purpose of this proposal is to sign and conclude a new Agreement with Israel in order to associate the latter with the EU’s 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013). The draft Agreement is based on the principles of mutual benefit, reciprocal opportunities for participation and activities in the field of activities covered by the Agreement – i.e. non-discrimination, effective protection of intellectual property and equitable sharing of intellectual property rights. The draft Agreement is based on the same principles as those set down in its predecessor, such as Israel’s contribution to the budget. At the same time, however, it has been adapted to take account of any new specific features of the 7th Framework Programme.
In other measures the Agreement provides:
- for the possible participation of Israel in the legal structures created by Articles 169 and Article 171 of the Treaty on European Union. For them to apply, these rules will need to be made applicable in Israel.
- that the EU/Israel Research Committee (set up under Article 4 of the Agreement) will decide on the applicability of these rules in Israel.
- that the EU/Israel Research Committee will be responsible for identifying those regions in Israel that qualify for research actions under the “Research Potential” work programme, which is set up by Capacities.
- that the Agreement will apply provisionally from 1 January 2007 so that it coincides with the application of the 7th Research Programme.
- a Joint Declaration of the contracting parties on a close dialogue vis-à-vis the new structures implementing Article 169 and 171 of the EC-Treaty.
Bearing the above in mind, the Commission proposes that the Council firstly approves, on behalf of the European Community, both Decisions on the new Agreement and that it notifies the Israeli authorities that the European Community has completed the procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.
It should be noted that the financial statement attached provides for:
- a total reference amount of EUR 1 099 million;
- a specific method of calculation to establish the amount of the financial contribution from Israel for its participation in the 7th Framework Programme (EUR 46.246 million in 2007).