Amending budget 2/2007: mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund for the floods in Hungary and Greece in 2006 and modification of the Budget 2007 for Research


The European Parliament adopted a resolution drafted by James Elles (EPP-ED, UK) and welcomed Draft amending budget No 2/2007, the purpose of which is to enter the budgetary resources (EUR 24 370 114) mobilised from the European Union Solidarity Fund in the 2007 budget so that those affected by these natural disasters could be assisted. It approved Draft amending budget No 2/2007 unamended.

Parliament recalled that the payment appropriations needed for the present mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund (see ACI/2007/2068) are taken from the budget lines on security and space research and underlined that the Commission has committed itself to proposing a transfer should these payment appropriations be needed for these budget lines later in the year.