Document reference
Basic information
RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
6.20.05 Multilateral and plurilateral economic and trade agreements and relations
6.30 Development cooperation
6.40.06 Relations with ACP countries, conventions and generalities
Procedure completed
Key players
Commission DGCommissionerDevelopmentDE GUCHT Karel
Key events
End of procedure in Parliament
Technical information
Procedure reference
Procedure type
RSP - Resolutions on topical subjects
Procedure subtype
Debate or resolution on oral question/interpellation
Legal basis
Rules of Procedure EP 136-p5
Stage reached in procedure
Procedure completed
Documentation gateway
European Parliament
European CommissionCommission response to text adopted in plenarySP(2011)2858/317/06/2011EC
AllCommission response to text adopted in plenarySP(2011)2858/317/06/2011EC