Document reference
COD - Ordinary legislative procedure (ex-codecision procedure)
2.50 Free movement of capital
2.50.03 Securities and financial markets, stock exchange, CIUTS, investments
2.50.08 Financial services, financial reporting and auditing
Legislative priorities
Joint Declaration 2021
Joint Declaration 2022
Joint Declaration 2023-24
Procedure completed
Commission DGCommissionerMCGUINNESS Mairead
European Economic and Social Committee
European Parliament
Council of the EUDraft final act00042/2023/LEX13/12/2023CSL
European CommissionDocument attached to the procedureSEC(2021)057225/11/2021EC
Other institutionsEuropean Central Bank: opinion, guideline, report12/08/2022ECB
AllDocument attached to the procedureSEC(2021)057225/11/2021ECEuropean Central Bank: opinion, guideline, report12/08/2022ECBDraft final act00042/2023/LEX13/12/2023CSL
Rapporteurs, Shadow Rapporteurs and Committee ChairsShadow rapporteurECON29/11/2022Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union